Johan Eggink
(Johannes Eggink)
Johannes Eggink Verified | |
White belt Verified | |
5 year(s) and 1 month(s) of training | |
28hr 26m of training logged | |
October 12, 1977 (age 47) | |
Almere, Flevoland, Netherlands | |
Team UCT Unclaimed | |
Boca / Cicero Costha |
Profile manually reviewed & certificate issued | |
Current rank verified by promoting instructor | |
Name verified by credit card | |
10 verifications received | |
25 verifications received | |
50 verifications received | |
Trained for 5 years | |
Trained for 10 years | |
Trained for 15 years | |
Trained for 20 years | |
Won 5 gold medals | |
Won 10 gold medals | |
Won 25 gold medals | |
10 competition matches | |
50 competition matches | |
100 competition matches | |
500 forum posts | |
1,000 forum posts |
Photo stream
White belt verification progress
Profile filled out Promotion history filled out Identity Confirmed 225/0 vote points
Promotion history
December 1, 2019 | - | Lelystad-Almere/The Netherlands/UCT | 5 year(s) 1 month(s) 5 day(s) | |