BJJ BELTCHECKER | Tatu Piispanen (14070 points)

Tatu Piispanen

12,010 profile views | Last seen: 2 month(s) ago

Tatu Piispanen Verified
Brown belt Verified  
13 year(s) and 4 month(s) of training
97 competition matches (56-41-0)
18 medals (3 x 9 x 6 x )
605hr 45m of training logged

Helsinki, Finland
GB Gym Verified
BJJ Globetrotters
Smoothcomp profile
Lineage: Carlos Gracie → Helio Gracie → Rolls Gracie → Romero “Jacaré” Cavalcanti → Fabio Gurgel → Demian Maia → Sammy Hämäläinen → Tatu Piispanen
"Tatu Piispanen, a relatively unknown brown belt from the dark forest outside of Helsinki, Finland—who some will even say does not really exist—is solely in charge of publicly judging your credentials and skills as a Jiu Jitsu practitioner and human being." —site founder Christian Graugart on how the rank verification works


Profile manually reviewed & certificate issued
Current rank verified by promoting instructor early adopter (first 500)
Name verified by credit card
Coach with confirmed students
10 verifications received
25 verifications received
50 verifications received
Trained for 5 years
Trained for 10 years
Trained for 15 years
Trained for 20 years
Won 5 gold medals
Won 10 gold medals
Won 25 gold medals
10 competition matches
50 competition matches
100 competition matches
500 forum posts
1,000 forum posts




Photo stream

Brown belt verification progress

 Profile filled out Promotion history filled out Identity Confirmed 14070/700 vote points


Generally declining friend requests from people I don't know. Please don't be offended, I just prefer to keep my Friends only newsfeed uncluttered.
3 year(s) ago
"Some will say does not really exist..." - lol, that's a crack up.
2 year(s) ago
Hello Tatu, Hope you are well.
2 year(s) ago
Time to promote your grappletoon ?
1 year(s) ago


Promotion history

March 16, 2023Tuomas KokkonenGB Gym (Helsinki, Finland)1 year(s) 9 month(s) 21 day(s)
Tuomas Kokkonen is a BJJ black belt under GB Gym ry BJJ head coach Sammy Hämäläinen.
January 8, 2018Sammy HämäläinenGB Gym (Helsinki, Finland)5 year(s) 2 month(s) 8 day(s)
Sammy Hämäläinen is the BJJ head coach of GB Gym ry & a 2nd degree black belt under Demian Maia.
November 17, 2014Sammy HämäläinenGB Gym (Helsinki, Finland)3 year(s) 1 month(s) 22 day(s)
Sammy Hämäläinen is the BJJ head coach of GB Gym ry & a 2nd degree black belt under Demian Maia.
August 15, 2011-GB Gym (Helsinki, Finland)3 year(s) 3 month(s) 2 day(s)

Votes received for current rank

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