BJJ BELTCHECKER | Cristina Catalfamo (3660 points)

Cristina Catalfamo

1,021 profile views | Last seen: 4 year(s) ago

Cristina Catalfamo Verified
Black belt Pending  
13 year(s) and 3 month(s) of training
16 medals (4 x 4 x 8 x )

December 11, 1971 (age 53)
Barcellona P.G., Italy, Italy
Rolling JJ Verified
Rolling JJ
Facebook profile


Profile manually reviewed & certificate issued
Current rank verified by promoting instructor
Name verified by credit card
Coach with confirmed students
10 verifications received
25 verifications received
50 verifications received
Trained for 5 years
Trained for 10 years
Trained for 15 years
Trained for 20 years
Won 5 gold medals
Won 10 gold medals
Won 25 gold medals
10 competition matches
50 competition matches
100 competition matches
500 forum posts
1,000 forum posts


Gianfranco Delli Paoli
Rolling jj
Roma, Italy
Black belt 4th degree



Photo stream

Black belt verification progress

 Profile filled outPromotion history not filled out Identity Confirmed 3660/1000 vote points



Promotion history

June 23, 2019Gianfranco Delli Paoli  CONFIRMEDCesenatico 5 year(s) 7 month(s) 0 day(s)
September 1, 2017Gianfranco Delli Paoli  CONFIRMED1 year(s) 9 month(s) 22 day(s)
March 27, 20152 year(s) 5 month(s) 5 day(s)
February 9, 20132 year(s) 1 month(s) 18 day(s)
October 7, 2011-1 year(s) 4 month(s) 2 day(s)

Votes received for current rank

Recent training history


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Seminars, camps & workshops attended


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