BJJ BELTCHECKER | Vilhjálmur Arnarsson (2655 points)

Vilhjálmur Arnarsson

2,612 profile views | Last seen: 4 month(s) ago

Vilhjálmur Arnarsson Verified
Black belt Verified  
11 year(s) and 5 month(s) of training
7 medals (2 x 3 x 2 x )
16hr 35m of training logged

November 28, 1997 (age 27)
Akureyri, Iceland
Mjölnir Verified
BJJ Globetrotters
Smoothcomp profile
Living in the north of Iceland both training and teaching until 2020 . Started in Fenrir MMA when my coach was a purple belt, when that academy went under me and other students starter our own club where I train and teach at the moment. Now I live in the capital (Reykjavìk) and train at mjölnir. Been going to the BJJ Globetrotter camps since 2016 and met the most wonderful people there. Hope you teach at a camp one day and give back since the community as given ne more than I could have hoped for.


Profile manually reviewed & certificate issued
Current rank verified by promoting instructor early adopter (first 500)
Name verified by credit card
Coach with confirmed students
10 verifications received
25 verifications received
50 verifications received
Trained for 5 years
Trained for 10 years
Trained for 15 years
Trained for 20 years
Won 5 gold medals
Won 10 gold medals
Won 25 gold medals
10 competition matches
50 competition matches
100 competition matches
500 forum posts
1,000 forum posts


Priit Mihkelson
Estum Jiu-Jitsu
Tallinn, Estonia
Black belt 3rd degree



Photo stream

Black belt verification progress

 Profile filled out Promotion history filled out Identity Confirmed 2655/1000 vote points


Nice to see your still training. I remember our trip to iceland fondly.
3 year(s) ago
Thank you, I remember it very well too :)
3 year(s) ago


Promotion history

April 30, 2022Priit Mihkelson  CONFIRMEDEstonia2 year(s) 8 month(s) 7 day(s)
Promoted during Globetrotters spring camp
November 28, 2017Ingþór Örn ValdimarssonFenrir MMA, Iceland4 year(s) 5 month(s) 2 day(s)
A seminar with Fernando Terere. Can't find any pictures.
November 7, 2015Ingþór ÖrnFenrir MMA2 year(s) 0 month(s) 21 day(s)
I was promoted at a competition where I placed third in a bracket with solid purple belts (only weight classes)
October 23, 2014Ingþór Örn Fenrir MMA1 year(s) 0 month(s) 15 day(s)
July 13, 2013-Fenrir MMA1 year(s) 3 month(s) 10 day(s)
Started striking with grappling on the side. I started rolling more and more and it was when I got my blue belt when I really started training with purpose.

Votes received for current rank

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